Katie wrote: so here are the details on what went down in hong kong. we got here friday morning and got to our hotel and got settled. this whole "vacation" to hong kong was a little disorganized so the rest of friday night we just wandered around kowloon. we ended going to bed at like 7 o'clock. saturday morning we went on a tour that took us to victoria peak, stanley markey, and aberdeen. the tour ended at 2 in the afternoon and we were left with the rest of the day to do whatever we wanted. some of the girls and i decided to find our way to the temple and mission headquarters. when we got there i ran into two companionships of missionaries and talked to them for a bit. they both knew who jj was and they had seen him on thursday to play basketball and get their transfers. i was sad cause he wasn't there but they let me write him a note and told me they would give it to him. we continued to the temple and i had this thought in my mind that i was going to find jj's ward and maybe go to church the next day where he was serving. so i ran back across the street just in time to catch the elders before they left and asked for the address to the aberdeen ward. they gave me one but it was in chinese. when i got back to the hotel i asked the information desk to help me find the bus route that would take us there and after many miscommunications and three people trying to figure it out, they told me which bus to get on and how much it would cost. i told the group and most of the girls were planning on going to a church anyways so about 12 of us decided we would go. we met at 7:15 sunday morning and ventured off to find the bus and try to find aberdeen. we ended up finding the ward which was pretty well concealed around 8:30. at about 8:45 this chinese lady came into what we thought was the chapel and told us it was the relief society room and that the chapel was a floor down...i ran down the stairs and lone behold THERE WAS JJ!!!!!!!!! i took him by complete surprise. he was in so much shock, it was funny. i just started bawling, but then we got talking and it was really good. he is doing soooo well and he is loving it in china. he told me to tell mom and dad hi and that he loves them. he said to tell the friends hi to. saying goodbye wasn't even that hard...i mean i did cry a little bit, but i'm fine. i hope he isn't in too much shock and i hope he is able to keep his focus. i got to hear him speak in cantonese as he explained to everyone that i was his twin sister. we stayed for relief society and the ladies translated for us. unfortunately we couldn't stay for sacrament because we were really limited on time. so i only got to chat with jj for probably a total or 5 or 10 minutes.
me in aberdeen on saturday trying to spot jj
JJ sez: I'm pretty sure everyone has heard by now that Katie found our chapel in Aberdeen and came to see me. Probably one of the most surprising days at church in my life! I was talking to a member and then all of a sudden a familiar looking girl walks in the door, heads straight for me and gives me a hug. Luckily, I recognized she was my sister before she hugged me or I probably would have run away. We didn't get to talk much but it was really good to see her. Surprisingly, this visit didn't seem to phase me too much; when she left it was just back to business as usual. It was a really good reminder of home, and that I have a lot or people supporting me and praying for me.

jj and me at church
a picture of jj's ward (it's the black door in that big building and the church is on the 5, 6, and 7th floor, they kept it really secretive i feel like).
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