This transfer is Temple transfer so i went to the LA temple this morning and that was sweet its HUGE it was really cool and LA looks exactly like the postcards like i felt like I had already been there cause it all was very familiar,

on last Wednesday i think it was we went by a members house randomly that we had never stopped at before and i walked into there house and the 3 of the 4 foster kid investigators that i taught in my area in whittier like 4 months ago were in the house! it was crazy definitely a miracle that i just happened to walk in the house on a random day at a random time and my old investigators were in there so i taught my old investigators a lesson it was sweet! then on sunday i saw them at church because when i was teaching them before they were going to a different ward with their foster mom because they knew people in the other ward and it turns out that im in there ward so i saw them again! so i get to see my old investigators once a week now its pretty dang sweet.

This excerpt is from September: So this week has flown by just like the rest, its been a crazy week. so first off its been really really really hot this week, ive been drinking about 6 water bottles a day and everyone we knock into has been giving us water bottles because we look like we went to a water park because we are sweating so much. my shirts are always drenched by lunch time yesterday it got up to 109 degrees and we were riding our bikes up a whole bunch of hills so ya... it was hot.

Olympus Elders took over the MTC when Steve was there:

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