I've been studying about hope this week. To me hope is really just having an eternal perspective and knowing that everything in this life is given to us as a blessing. If we hold on to that perspective we can make it through anything.
Peter's Baptism
Peter Wong was baptized on the Sunday after conference. It was so awesome! Peter is 16 and we met him just walking on the street. He was so open to everything we had to say, it seemed like he already knew many of the gospel principles. His parents signed for him to be baptized and his mom even came with him to a conference session.
So yeah, the baptism. Peter came to church wearing the white shirt and tie we bought for him and he was just ready to go. Then after conference we changed our clothes and had the service. I was pretty nervous, not gonna lie. My first baptism, saying the prayer in Chinese and the water in the font was pretty low, but it was fine, no worries. It was so funny; after it was done, Peter just said "gam faai?" - that fast? I was kinda thinking the same thing. Baptism is so simple but so important. He was so happy afterwards. It was an awesome experience.
Kennedy Town ward members
Light Show from the Star Ferry Pier on the Island
This Week we had mission tour and President Perkins the Asia area President from the 70 came and just taught us for 6 hours. It was so amazing I learned so much. My testimony of General authority's Divine calling really strengthened. there were a couple things that stood out to me that aren't just mission related. At the beginning of the meeting he noted that in scriptures the lord says something along the lines of "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened 75 times, and said that asking questions is the key to revelation. So he had us write down 2 questions and promised us that those questions would be answered before the end of the meeting. After the meeting he had everyone who had 2 questions answered raise their hands, and everyone did. it was pretty cool. Asking question just opens the door to revelation, so just ask. pretty simple really. Also he broke down the word ENTHUSIASTIC which when broken down means in a godly state, so the best way to be Enthusiastic is to develop Christ like attributes, I just thought that was interesting, and if we all want to be "an example of the believers" we definitely need to be enthusiastic about the Gospel. The last thing that really stuck out to me was that we talked a lot about love. The love of God, the love of the Savior, and the love that we need to have for our Fellowmen. Love was something that I was so hyped up on in the MTC, but that I've kinda let fall by the wayside out here. It's not that I don't love the work, or the people, It's just that I wasn't letting love motivate everything I was doing. When we let love motivate us everything is just better, we'll be happier, we will make others happier, and there is no room for and negativity, or anger. When we see everyone as Children of God, as our brothers and sisters, we will be filled with love for them. So the phrase "Let Love Motivate" has Just been running through my Head since, It's just so important. At the end we had a huge testimony meeting which was awesome! a room full of missionaries bearing testimony is pretty powerful. It really strengthen my testimony of this Restored Gospel so much, and just how much God loves us to Restore the fullness of the Gospel through Joseph Smith. We are so blessed to live in the fullness of times, and I feel so blessed to be here in Hong Kong Sharing the message of the Restoration, and helping others receive the fullness of God's Blessings. Just too blessed.
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