Well whats up everyone I just want you to know I miss you all and love you all ha! This week was one for the record books of elder Treyden Johnson. Elder Kuliker from the quorum of the 70 came to our mission for a mission tour, and It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. On sunday night we had only a few zone leaders meet with elder K and our misssion president at the mission home. Elder K had such a spirit about him where I just felt at peace, not scared like I didnt know everything about the work or my zone, but just at peace. I felt the saviour's love through him and I really found out he is a representative of Jesus Christ, and even he is trying his hardest. We talked about simple things like just getting our investigators to kneel in prayer with us every lesson and having them say it. Something so simple you think every missionary would do this. We found out less then half of our missionaries do this, so now we know what to do. We are just focusing on the basics, having our investigators pray, read, and go to church. I felt the spirit so strongly mainly because of the Elder K's love and being with my mission president again. Sometimes we all feel we aren't doing enough, or we feel a weight on our shoulders, but we need not to worry. If we are trying our very hardest and living right the lord will do the rest. Its so simple how we can feel the spirit everyday and everyting will be ok, is my kneeling pray twice a day, read the book of mormon, and church once a week. I know that to be true. We then had an awesome zone conference with our zone the capitol zone and the albany zone, and my good friend from SLC elder Pututoa is the zone leader there. He went to east highschool, and we spent a lot of time together building each other up and talking about salt lake city ha. The zone conference was great, and I learned many new things to implement into the work. That night we had a lesson with Betty Q who did have a baptismal date, and told us she wanted to hold off. I remembered what Elder K said and we had her kneel in prayer with us and just ask God what to do right then and there. The spirit testified to her, and it was the best lesson I have ever had. We just taught very simply and clearly and that is where the spirit does the rest.
Any way my big tall canadian comp is going home next week, I might get a homie for a companion elder Nigeren who is a short skier like me. I wonder if we are meant to be haha? But we have three baptisms coming up, life is great, its raining a lot, the zone is great, and today we are going to a driving range to hit some golf balls!! haha Ok love you all, and Im sorry if this email was very sloppy, i was hustling! Love Elder J

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