Hello hello hello
So this week has been an exciting one. There will be a pretty big change in my missionary life starting tomorrow.
But 1st and foremost, A-Jan got baptized on Sunday! It was so awesome. It was a very simple humble service, but really really nice. At first she seemed a little nervous, but when she was walking down the steps into the font, I could see this peace wash over her, and she new it was the right decision. The entire service was translated by Sis. Hohn, one of the most amazing members ever. Even the confirmation was translated from Chinese to Thai. Even though The brother confirming her only met her that day, he gave a really great blessing. At the end A-Jan got up to bear her simple testimony. She doesn't have a lot of knowledge but she has a really testimony given to her by the spirit, and that is stronger than any knowledge. She went back to Thailand yesterday and will have to wait there for at least one month for a visa renewal, and then she will come back to Hong Kong to help her older sister work, and take care of her troubled son. Sis. Hohn is helping her find a branch in Thailand to attend, it will be so great for A-Jan to hear the gospel untranslated in her own language. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to meet a A-Jan and play a small role in helping her come to know of the reality of the restoration, this experience was definitely one of the greatest miracles I've experienced on my mission.
Now for the big change. This morning I got a call from President Chan. That always starts your heart beating fast. He has called me to be the new Distribution Coordinator. So tonight I will pack my things, and tomorrow morning the APs will come and pick me up to go to the mission home so I can start training to work in the office... I never thought I would go office. I don't know exactly all that it entails, but I do know that from monday to friday I will be in the mission home doing office work, saturday and sunday are our only days to proselyte, I will no longer be speaking Cantonese I will be serving international and speaking English, I get to drive, I will live in the temple, and I will probably become a District Leader all for at least 4 transfers. So it definitely has it's ups and downs....
I kinda felt like it was coming, but it was still a big suprise when I actually heard President Chan say it himself. So we will see how it goes, I have mixed feelings about it. I had a really short stay in Aberdeen, and I will miss the people we were teaching, especially a couple of the less active members we were making progress with. but, this is what the Lord wants so I'll do it. It'll probably be a tough transition, haha I've never really done office work before, and I haven't taught the gospel in English in a long time. I'm still kind of taking it in. It will be a pretty big change. So I just took time to enjoy P-day today and now it's home to pack and after 9 months I'm leaving Kennedy Town and headed to Kowloon. Missions are full of suprises.
Well this week I read another one of my favorite scriptures in D&C 36:6 "Look to me in EVERY thought, doubt not, fear not." This scripture is a huge faith booster for me. If we focus on Christ, with all of our might mind and strength, there will be no room for doubt, and no reason to fear, because he who is mighty to save has made it possible to overcome all things.
Love you all!!
Elder Ward