We have our visas and flight plans and we're leaving Thursday morning. It’s so soon I can't wait. I feel so ready to get out there and start making a difference. I know I won’t be able to understand very well or communicate very well, but I can smile and bear simple testimony, and share simple experience, and I know even that will make a difference. Also my companion probably won’t speak English so I'll be force to learn at least French pretty fast. And I can understand my teachers probably 80 percent of the time, even when they speak fast. I'm so excited to just get into it. My last two weeks here have been so awesome, I've grown so much and learned so much its amazing.
My testimony has grown 10 times as strong as when I got here, and I've really learned a little bit about the power of prayer. I can’t even count the times that I was discouraged with the languages, or mad at people here, or frustrated with my companions or my self, and I've prayed and almost immediately been comforted. I've grown to love my companions so much, and their testimonies have really strengthened mine.
To my family and friends I just want to tell you how much I appreciate your examples. I've always been able to look at my older brothers and sisters and mom and dad as awesome examples to help me make decisions and become the person I am. I love you all so much. And I just want to tell you all that I know this church is true, and I can't wait to go and share it with other people. I know there are many tough times ahead, but I also know that if I rely on Christ I will be able to get through any trial. Like Enos I know that God cannot lie, and He tells us time and time again that if we have faith in Christ, and if we lay our burdens on him and repent of our sins that we can accomplish all things in him, and anything he has asked us to do, we can do it. I love you all so much. Elder Luke Smith